Expandi Agency |Account Based Marketing Services

Account-Based Everything

We are expert in ABM!
We help you Identify, engage, win and retain your most relevant accounts

What we do

Empower your ABM strategy and programs with the help of our experts and our award-winning ABM platform (Jabmo an Expandi brand).

We can help your sales and marketing teams identify, prioritise and run personalised engagements with your priority accounts using intelligent insights on their purchase intent.

Whatever your ABM strategy, from one-to-one to one-to-many ABM, our experts will support you every step of the way from planning to execution.

What we do

Why Expandi Agency

Drive awareness jabmo
Drive awareness and engagement with key accounts.

Our ABM Services allows you to accelerate sales of strategic products and solutions with your most valuable accounts. Thanks to our fully integrated marketing platforms we can run hyper-targeted advertising campaigns on your accounts using highly personalised messages.

Identify and Prioritize
Identify and Prioritize those accounts getting ready to buy.

Select and prioritize accounts based on the best buying intent signals. Thanks to the integration with Expandi Cyance Intent data and analytics, we can identify surges in account activity even if they are not yet in your ABM program so you wont miss any hot opportunities.

Build beautiful
Build beautiful, personalised and effective ads.

Knowing where your prospect accounts are in the buyer journey allows your ad creative and copywriting team to build insight driven ads that drive engagement.

Measure campaign performance
Measure campaign performance.

Ensure your target accounts are seeing and engaging with your ads and emails. See which campaigns and creatives perform well and identify weak areas for improvement.

Set up Weekly Reports via Email
Set up Weekly Reports via Email.

Stay on top of your KPI’s with handy mobile-friendly email reports for marketing and sales.

Make your sales team more successful
Make your sales team more successful.

We can help your sales reps prioritize their accounts based on third-party intent signals and account anonymous traffic identification on website activity. We can set up email alerts for sales reps so they can get to the deal first.

Grow your business with account-based marketing

Designed to empower your ABM program, reach key accounts, build a personal customer experience, and grow revenue.